Title: First time Unit for Points: Hey!Say!JUMP Word Count: 100 Characters/Pairings: Yabu Kouta A/N: All these drabbles are part of the same verse, where select people can see ghosts and those who can see fight them.
Title: Color me Rainbow Unit for Points: Butoukan Word Count: 100 Characters: Takaki, Akito, Junta, (imaginary manager) Notes: More 'What if Takaki/BAD debuted instead of NYC' verse. Obviously they needed colors.
Title: Legality Issues Unit for Points: THEY Budou Word Count: 100 Characters: Yabu/Takaki Notes: A small offering for not writing fics for either of their actual birthdays. (Never mind that they've been to Hawaii, okay. 8D;;)
Title: Hey! Say! JUMP vs Sexy Unit for Points: MSM Word Count: 100 Characters/Pairings: Okamoto/Guitar Author's Notes: I was supposed to post this for the battle challenge, but then just forgot I had written it cause I meant to do a whole string about him and Yuto during the band version of Your Seed
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Title: Seeker Unit for Points: J-Friends Word Count: 100 Characters/Pairings: Fujigaya, Kawai Notes: D.Gray-man verse (sort of, derp). This is a golem. 8D Which reminds me of a snitch, hence the title.
Title: Sunbright Unit for Points: J-friends Word Count: 100 Characters/Pairings: Fujigaya, Kitayama Notes: I wasn't sure what to write... and even now, I'm still not sure what I did write. I had intended to write it more on-subject, but the fingers didn't agree.
Title: Curtain Call Unit for Points: Kinki Kids Word Count: 100 Characters/Pairings: Hasshi/Fujigaya (+ vague allusion to Takaki) Notes: I feel slightly... err, sacrilegious? About these? I dunno.